Joezel Maglajos

Project Manager
Joezel has joined the team with a solid background in customer service, including quality assurance, subject-matter expertise, training and management.

Precise, Creative, Organized

  • Extensive customer service experience
  • Solid creative and complementary organizational background
  • Bachelor's degree in marketing and candidate for an MBA in Marketing

Joezel Maglajos, Project Manager at King’s Crest Global, has joined the team with a solid background in customer service, including quality assurance, subject-matter expertise, training and management. Previously a manager at one of the most well-known food chains in the Philippines, Joezel is now sharing her customer-centric approach and high level efficiency with the KCG team through project management, design and blogging projects. While she already holds a degree in Marketing, she is currently a candidate for an MBA in Marketing and working towards completion of her dissertation in 2021. As a proud member of the LGBTQ community, she feels very lucky to have been able to begin her journey with a company that celebrates both diversity and professional development.