Dr. Kashan

Kashan is an aesthetic surgery clinic dedicated to crafting and celebrating refined, youthful, personalized results.

Challenge Dr. David Kashan and his team were ready to scale up and reach a far broader client audience, however they needed a clear brand identity and a website to represent that brand.

Where Kings Crest Global Comes In The KCG team collaboratively workshopped a new brand identity for the Kashan team, including a comprehensive tone of voice treatment and visual identity.

We explored and recommended a new aesthetic that communicated a warm and human side to plastic surgery – a calculated risk, as this is something that most plastic surgery offices don't dare to portray. But this was the heart of the Kashan brand, and we wanted to bring it to the forefront in a way that would connect the Kashan team with the right future clients for them.

We explored and recommended a new aesthetic that communicated a warm and human side to plastic surgery – a calculated risk, as this is something that most plastic surgery offices don't dare to portray. But this was the heart of the Kashan brand, and we wanted to bring it to the forefront in a way that would connect the Kashan team with the right future clients for them.

Website Design and Development
After confirming the functional site map and the new brand identity, the KCG team jumped in and started on website copy and the individual page wireframes in Figma. Through regular client calls and collaborative rounds of feedback, we shaped a website that truly represented the Kashan brand and served as a useful source of information for potential clients to learn about all aspects of cosmetic surgery. The development team then dived in and began building the site using their technical expertise.

The Results
New Brand
The unique, fresh and human brand identity has now formed the fundamental core of Dr. Kashan’s new office, website and marketing efforts. Everything from the new logo being hung out front, to the brand colors reflected in the new furniture and office interior design – it’s Kashan, represented authentically and with heart.

New Website
The live website represents the Kashan brand in a way that is cutting-edge, clear and engaging. Delivered with SEO-optimized content and blogs, alongside a stunning UX and visual design, it has enabled the Kashan team to truly connect with their clients.

“The experience with King’s Crest Global has been excellent from beginning to end. The solutions coming from the others I spoke with felt very cookie-cutter and I was afraid they would do what they’ve done with everyone else - something generic, and not personalized. The opposite has happened with KCG. They have spent time getting to know us and the work reflects our thoughts, feelings and what we want to project rather than, “this is what it should be.” It was a more personalized experience. KCG isn’t a company, it’s a family.”
Dr. David Kashan Founder and CEO