Current World Affairs and their Impact

Written by Saul Tessler
July 28, 2022
Written bY
Saul Tessler

Dear clients, colleagues, and friends of KCG –

Two weeks ago, the KCG crew met to reflect on some of the recent political events of the summer. It’s a long list, from the escalating Russian invasion of Ukraine to the reversal of Roe v. Wade in the U.S. We have a global team across 14 countries and work on international projects. It has not been an easy summer. Tumultuous events, natural disasters, and political divide, from Brazil to the Philippines, directly impacts our community’s lives.

I want to acknowledge the pains, frustrations and fear many in our network feel. So many in the KCG community are frustrated about the present and anxious about the future.

One principle that is core to King’s Crest Global is to use technology for good. Technological innovation has always played a leading role in social upheavals, from the early days of the radio to the present social media ecosystem. Tech can be gasoline poured onto the flames of an already divided society, but I like to take the glass half-full approach. Technology can be harnessed for clarity, dialogue, and progress – extinguishing those flames. Our goal in these politically charged times isn’t to shout into the echo chamber that digital communication platforms tend to become. Instead, Our goal is to use technology and storytelling to extend opportunities for genuine dialogue rooted in empathy. Used this way, technology produces real and meaningful social impact.

Another principle core to KCG is to leverage the art of perspective. The company culture at KCG is to learn by listening to each other about our divergent backgrounds and finding common threads. Despite our radically different lifestyles, we help each other live beautiful, unique, and meaningful lives. To tell our clients’ stories and market them effectively, we’ve learned to listen. Our gift as marketers to craft amazing stories and share them can help drive unity and positive change.

I want our world to be a safe, equitable, sustainable place for us all, and I firmly believe we will weather these political storms and get there. That’s why we’re committed to the work we do. We’re here to use technology, innovation, and interculturalism as a force for good, as a force for compassion, understanding, and unity. In these chaotic times, we channel our talents to move the world in positive directions. We can reach out across perceived borders. If we are bold, we can build something better together.

We are always available for open dialogue and thoughts that spark radical change. If you have something you’d like to share with us, please don’t hesitate to reach out.


Saul Tessler, CEO, King’s Crest Global
