5 Signs You Should Invest In Professional Content Marketing Services

Written by Cecilia Seiter
March 3, 2022
Written bY
Cecilia Seiter

American novelist Jack Kerouac once famously said, “One day I will find the right words and they will be simple.” We can agree that’s a worthwhile goal – and it isn’t limited to just novelists, either.

Businesses of all sizes, ranging from early-stage startups to multinational corporations, rely on the craft of writing to communicate their value propositions, their services and their brand identities in the digital world. Leveraging written content like blogs, whitepapers and newsletters to boost brand awareness is absolutely essential to stay ahead of the competition.

Of course, finding the right words for written collateral isn’t as simple as Kerouac made it sound. That’s where professional content marketing comes in.

Why Pay For Content Marketing Services?

Content marketing is more than just cranking out a few blogs here and there. It’s a multidisciplinary act that bridges the gap between online platforms to create a coherent, reputable image for your brand. It requires finding the right words, à la Kerouac, to attract, retain and communicate with audiences. It also requires steadfast knowledge of your target market, SEO, video, current media trends and digital marketing strategies.

If that all sounds like a lot for one person to handle, that’s because it is – and that’s why businesses big and small invest in professional content marketing services to help grow their audiences. There are a couple other good reasons why, too:

  • Content marketing is more effective than traditional public relations.

    Plus, it’s cheaper. Unfortunately, traditional PR doesn’t quite get small to midsize brands noticed like it did years ago. Instead of funneling funds into expensive PR firms that yield little ROI, businesses are turning to content marketers to create reputable content of their own.

  • Inbound marketing is more affordable than pay-per-click (PPC).

    Yes, you can pay Google and Facebook to promote your brand on their search result pages, but high-quality content marketing creates organic leads. In some instances, brands have seen a $3K/month content marketing budget yield the same results that a $30K PPC budget would have. What’s more, SEO is a more lucrative long-term strategy. PPC will stop generating results once the campaign stops, but inbound marketing combined with SEO will generate passive, high-quality traffic over long periods of time.

  • Quality content equals credibility.

    You may have decades of expertise in your chosen business realm, but if your website or social media page looks brand new – i.e., it doesn’t have any content – you’ll lose out on key credibility points. And from an SEO standpoint, search engines won’t rank websites without content, given that they aren’t sources of useful information.

Still, with this in mind – do you really need to invest in content marketing? The answer in most cases is yes. And if you fall into one of the five categories below, the answer is a loud, absolute, emphatic yes.

5 Signs Your Brand Needs Professional Content Marketing Help:

  1. You’re an early-stage startup that needs a flexible marketing solution.

    Early-stage startups need organic business growth to fuel their momentum. But they usually don’t have the capital necessary to hire a full-time marketing employee or pay for an expensive PPC campaign. That’s why hiring professional content marketers is the smart move for startups. Hiring an agency or a sole proprietor on a retainer basis empowers results at lower costs. It also provides the flexibility startups need to get their marketing initiatives rolling. Professional content marketers will act as an extension of your team to quickly meet your evolving needs with strategic counsel and execution.

  2. You’re a midsize organization without internal bandwidth for content marketing.

    Maybe you’re an established business with a stellar internal marketing team. That’s all well and good, but if your team lacks the bandwidth to execute on content marketing initiatives, you’ll need a worthwhile solution. A content marketing agency will collaborate with your in-house team to align your content goals with the rest of your larger marketing strategy. They’ll work with you to create an editorial calendar and pieces of lead-generating content so your marketers can continue investing energy in traditional marketing initiatives.

  3. Your website lacks high-quality content.

    The keyword here is high-quality; there’s little to gain in publishing potentially lackluster content just for the sake of publishing. A professional content marketing partner will ensure that your blogs, whitepapers and other collateral are consistent, error-free and strategic. This will ultimately help boost your credibility and search rankings over time.

  4. Your website isn’t generating the leads you thought it would.

    Even the most well-designed website won’t generate leads if your content isn’t strategically written. A professional content writer will ensure not only that your website’s copy and call to actions resonate with your target audience, but that your blog content also acts as a credible lead magnet for prospective customers.

  5. SEO seems like a scary, foreign land.

    Search engine optimization, commonly referred to as SEO, is a tough beast to tame. Gone are the days of stuffing keywords into blogs and ranking highly on Google (thank goodness!). SEO involves more nuance and strategy than simply using a few keywords, and a content marketing professional will help you ensure your content is well-optimized for the web.

Final Words
Deploying a content marketing strategy for your business may seem intimidating, but it’s the right move to make, especially if you haven’t invested in other forms of marketing or advertising.

King’s Crest Global partners with brands from around the globe to provide cross-platform, strategic content marketing services that capture hearts and inspire clicks. Get in touch with us if you’re ready to launch your content marketing strategy. We’ll help you find the right words – and they will be simple.
