
Swoup is a micro-savings app that uses AI to learn your buying preferences and then find a discount proactively on those products.

CHALLENGE The founders of Swoup had never started an app before. They were looking for guidance around every aspect of starting up.

WHERE KINGS CREST GLOBAL COMES IN King’s Crest advised and worked on many different aspects of starting up the company. From completing patent applications to presentations for investors and advice on sourcing technology resources. We also advised on finances and funding.

+2M People Reached Swoup was able to launch successfully, reaching millions of people. They now partner with major brands such as Walgreens.

+ $1.20 Cost Per User We were able to help Swoup achieve a significantly improved cost per user. Users also spend an average of over 3.4 minutes per session on the app flipping through discounts.

+ 75% of New Users from ads With consistent new users from online ads, Swoup functions with 3,0000+ physical retail locations and online.

“King’s Crest saw the value of the product I was creating to help other people and knew how to leverage technology to the benefit of a business. I had never started an app before, and King’s Crest filled in the gaps that I had no idea needed to be filled. From our beta launch in April 2017 through December 2018, we gained 3,000 customers and became the first company in the U.S. to launch a non-barcode charitable mobile discount with Walgreens. I was very pleased.”  
Phil_Parotta Phil P Founder, The Swoup App